The very first CAPSTONE network-wide training event took place on 22-23 November 2021. Held online, but still allowing for an interactive exchange, the two days included presentations and training modules aimed at introducing the ESRs to their chosen field of research within the project and providing them with a comprehensive overview of what awaits in the next three years of their ESR project.

The project coordinator, Dr. Rebecca Deprez kicked off the meeting with an introduction round, followed by an overview on the key aspects and management structure of the project. The Work Package leaders and ESRs presented the diverse tasks and objectives of the Work Packages and individual research projects – important knowledge for the ESRs to be able to identify potential networking and collaboration opportunities. During the Tour the table, ESRs had the opportunity to present themselves highlighting their passions and personal interests. While during the first day ESRs got insights into the rights and obligations of MSCA fellows, the second day was focused on the transferable skills modules such as Ethics in Animal Research, Gender Equality and Stress management and Project managment.

Team building

A more entertaining part was not missed. The team building game took place in a virtual escape room with a scientific flair to increase interaction between ESRs and to help building CAPSTONE research community.