The latest 4th CAPSTONE Network Meeting occurred between October 19th and 21st in Athens, Greece under the joint organization provided from the National Centre of Scientific Research "Demokritos" and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The hosting teams of Pr. Efstratios Stratikos (NCSRD, GR) and Pr. Dimitris Georgiadis (NKUA, GR) brought together all of the involved researchers and related partners once again in a highly successful physical format. ESRs and their respective supervisors had the opportunity to participate into inspiring talks and interactive workshops divided into three main sections: industry/academia cooperations, drug discovery in Europe, exploring proteins and their role in drug discovery.


Programme Day 1 – 19th October 2022


Scientific workshop: Industry/Academia Cooperations



Cases studies

A. Matralis (BSRC) / G. Rassias (UPatras) / D. Holmes (SOUTH)


ESR presentation



Analysis of the structure and mechanism of function of ERAP/IRAP

Evgenia-Galateia Georgaki, NCRSD, Athens, GR

Distinct modulation of the immunopeptidome by allosteric inhibition of ERAP1 compared to KO-driven modulation
Martha Spyridoula Nikopaschou, NCSRD, Athens, GR
Effects of modulation of ERAP1 activity in antigen processing and presentation
Shami Alvarez Mourid, University of Southampton, UK
Role of the IRAP compartment in cross-presentation: deciphering molecular interactions and MHC class I trafficking Alice Senni, University of Paris, FR
ERAP modulation as an innovative strategy for cancer treatment Paula Gragera Alvarez, OPBG, Roma, IT
Effect of ERAP1 modulation on induction of protective anti-tumor immunity Dario Vinicio Guglietta, University of Southampton, UK
In vivo anti-tumor safety and efficacy of NK cell-based immunotherapeutic approach in preclinical models Kamila Krol, OPBG, Roma, IT
Molecular ecosystem of ERAP four distinct immune cell subsets from patients with ERAP-linked diseases - An update Aroosha Raja, University Medical Center Utrecht, NL
Exploring the role of trimming aminopeptidases on type-1-diabetes autoantigen presentation by MHC-class I molecules and disease
Nadia Keelan, University of Paris, FR
Design, synthesis and evaluation of hydroxymic acids and bioisosters as potent ERAP inhibitors Ben He, ULILLE, FR
Design and development of ERAP1 modulators by kinetic target-guided synthesis and fragment-based drug discovery Vasileios Fougiaxis, ULILLE, FR
Design, synthesis and evaluation of phosphinic transition-state analogues of ERAP/IRAP: an update Sandra Llamas Rizo, National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens, GR
Biomarker discovery, compound distribution, efficacy and toxicity analysis by Mass Spectrometry Imaging in ERAP-related models Adele Ponzoni, Imabiotech, FR
Development of drug delivery systems of ERAP/IRAP modulators Filipa da Silva de Vasconcelos, Inocure, CZ
Cheminformatics analysis: Ligand and Structure-based Nikoletta Maria Koutroumpa, NovaMechanics, CY


Programme Day 2 – 20th October 2022


Scientific workshop: Drug Discovery in Europe



Advances in Medicinal Chemistry

H. Lemoine (EDELRIS), D. Roche (EDELRIS)


Discovery of ERAP Modulators

V. Rodeschini (EDELRIS), D. Georgiadis (NKUA), R. Deprez-Poulain (ULILLE)


Scientific workshop: Exploring proteins and their role in drug discovery



Protein Expression and purification

A. Chroni (NCSRD), A. Mpakali (NCSRD), A. Papakyriakou (NCSRD)


Programme Day 3 – 21th October 2022


Scientific workshop: Exploring proteins and their role in drug discovery


9am-11am Analysis of protein structure by X-ray diffraction and cryo-EM
P. Giastas (AUA), N. Pinotsis (BBK), E. Saridakis (NCSRD)
11:30am-1:30pm Proteomics and Peptidomics G. Panayotou (BSRC), M. Samiotaki (BSRC)
2:30pm-4:30pm NMR and computational methods G. Spyroulias (UPatras), A. Papakyriakou (NCSRD), A. Afantitis (NVM)